PT Falah Inovasi Teknologi Received National Defense Industry Certification

After successfully proving the success of PT Falah Inovasi Teknologi as a virtual reality technology company in the defense industry, it gains the full trust from the Indonesian Ministry of Defense regarding the independence of the Indonesian defense industry with the mastery of technology owned by PT Falah Inovasi Teknologi to provide Indonesia with high competitiveness. On the 21st of December 2020, PT. Falah Inovasi Teknologi has received the National Defense Industry certification in the field of Virtual Training and Simulation from the Indonesian Ministry of Defense.
Indonesian MoD Director of Technology and Defense Industry First Admiral, TNI Sri Yanto, S.T., presented the National Defense Industry Certificate to The Commissioner of PT Falah Inovasi Teknologi, Mr. Deni Darodjat Muslim.
Officials from the Ministry of Defense visited PT Falah Inovasi Teknologi and saw first hand the Virtual Training Suite Technology developed 100% in house by the PT. Falah Inovasi Teknologi.
National Defense Industry Certification
PT. Falah Inovasi Teknologi Received National Defence Industry Certification in The Field of Virtual Training and Simulation.

Virtual Reality to Improve Employee Training

Virtual reality (VR) is a three-dimensional, computer-generated representation of physical worlds. These worlds are immersive, users can interact with them as if they are real. A variety of VR devices are available on the market, ranging from inexpensive cardboard-based devices that works with a smartphone to expensive, professional-grade headsets.

In most cases, companies use VR to allow their employees to practice dealing with real-world scenarios. For example, Virtual Training Suite (VTS) VR App uses the technology to create a Training Maintenance System,  Here are some other advantages of using VR in training:

01 | Immersive experiences
Engagement is critical to training outcomes, and the immersive training environment provided by VR boosts engagement.

02 | Practice makes perfect
Workers with difficult jobs can sharpen their skills without worrying about real-world consequences.

03 | Reduced pressure and enhanced creativity
Because all training is virtual, workers can take risks they usually wouldn’t take or pursue creative, high-risk solutions to problems.

04 | Previewing
VR technology allows companies to perform test runs of new initiatives to see how employees respond

05 | Accelerated learning
Because VR is so immersive and compelling, learners absorb information faster and retain what they have learned longer. Memory formation is linked to emotional response, and VR is an emotionally charged experience.

The best technology has limited impact if you do noot deploy it efficiently, and that is especially true for emerging technologies such as VR. To help you integrate VR into your training initiatives, consider the following suggestions.

VR Technology Artboard

The best technology has limited impact if you do not deploy it efficiently

VR Technology Artboard
Virtual Reality to Improve Employee Training
Image by freepik

Use VR For Corporate Onboarding

Instead of sending trainers to conduct new-hire training, you can save money by using VR. Since the cost of VR tech has come down so sharply in recent years, some companies are now opting to send pre-loaded VR headsets with training videos to field offices to reduce expenses.

Use VR for Critical Skills Training

Because of the immersive nature of VR, it is a good choice to reinforce the most critical aspects of training or skill development. For example, health care organizations are increasingly using VR to train surgeons on new techniques in a risk-free environment. For other employees who are tasked with sensitive or critical operations, VR training can be a vital tool that reduces errors and lowers liability.

Virtual Reality to Improve Employee Training
Image by freepik
VR Technology Artboard

VR training can be a vital tool that reduces errors and lowers liability.

VR Technology Artboard

Measure the Effectiveness of Your VR Training Programs

One way to evaluate VR training effectiveness is to administer a skills assessment following a VR session. For example, one hospital provided VR training to help its employees master the skill of IV insertion and used post-training assessments to demonstrate that their skills were enhanced significantly after one training session. You can also ask your employees to provide feedback about what works and what needs improvement following VR training. Integrate this input when designing your VR content.

Make Your VR as Interactive as Possible

The more workers feel that they are interacting with a live environment, the more impactful the experience. Add narration or allow users to dictate their path in a non-linear fashion as they explore the virtual environment. Consider adding elements such as voiceover or hotspot overlays to make the experience more immersive and memorable.

Use VR as a Learning Lab

Allow workers to use virtual environments to create radical new solutions to problems or upgrades to existing services or products. You can also use VR to ramp up the benefits of scenario-based learning, which is known to enhance critical thinking and real-world decision-making. By integrating immersive, 360-degree video into scenario-based training, the experience is more resonant and realistic, which will help people retain what they have learned.

VR Technology Artboard

Workers can use virtual environments to create radical new solutions to problems.

VR Technology Artboard

Virtual reality is poised to be a breakthrough technology for training, thanks to its immersive nature and the freedom it offers to practice in realistic settings without worrying about outcomes. Follow these tips to increase the effectiveness of your VR training program.

CSR SMA Penerbangan Madiun: Flight Simulator Technology Education

Flight simulator technology education
Corporate Social Responsibility in Madiun

PT Falah Inovasi Teknologi carry out the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) program or corporate social responsibility in the field of education technology by giving a set Flight Simulator Demos and JENIUSVR for Vocational School SMA Penerbangan Madiun on Thursday 4 February 2021.

In carrying out the activities today (2/4), the event was opened by Commander Lanud Iswahjudi Marsma TNI. M Untung Suropati, SE  expressed his appreciation for this CSR Program and hope and hope this assistance can increase the competence of vocational cadets.

As a representatives from SMA Penerbangan Madiun Letkoltek  Agustinus Subagyo  said The Industrial revolution 4.0 has penetrated all sectors, including the education sector. With CSR Program Flight Simulator Demos and JENIUSVR form PT Falah Inovasi Teknologi will be very useful in advancing the quality and competence of cadets Vocational School SMA Penerbangan.

Flight Simulator Technology Education
Corporate Social Responsibility in Madiun
Deni Darodjat Muslim as Commissioner PT Falah Inovasi Teknologi said that this program was implemented as a form of the company’s contribution in creating the nation’s next generation improving knowledge, and interest in the field of education technology can accelerated learning with using set Flight Simulator Demos and JENIUSVR. This CSR Program activity is a form of concern for the young  generation who is the future of Indonesia.
For this reason, the young generation of Indonesia must be driven  with a high fighting spirit guided by science and technology. Indonesia cannot lose in improving technology education. Even the smallest contribution is very valuable for the nation’s children. Show the achievements of academics and researchers, we show science and technology resources and innovations made by the nation’s children for the advancement of our beloved Indonesia.
Flight simulator technology education
Corporate Social Responsibility in Madiun

Falah Kita Bisa Outbound Training 2020

“Together Everyone Achieves More” = TEAM with tag line FALAH KITA BISA. PT Falah Inovasi Teknologi hold an Outbound Training  action and activity based behavioral  training  intervention for employee development based on experiential learning methodology of “learning by doing”, “hands-on experience” and includes outdoor, adventure, team building activities that engage participants to tighter emotional bond will be formed between the participants, who are employees of a company. Almost all outbound activities are carried out in 4 group. And at the end of the activity, to complete the final challenge, all personnel must work together, each group must unite, teamwork is needed.


With the creation of a spirit of cooperation and a shared feeling, solidarity will naturally emerge. Amazingly, outbound activities can also eliminate gaps that usually occur between old employees and new employees. Because, if the senior and junior levels are in the same team, like it or not, like it or not, they have to do activities together.

Another benefit, in the world of outbound activities, participants will be honed in their socialization skills. When joining a team, participants will join in collaboration with people who may have different personalities from themselves. This condition will make participants more appreciative of the differences around them.

With good interaction in the team, each member can get to know each other and build a relationship. This is of course useful in making decisions. Good team building is where leaders can form a team together to achieve predetermined goals.

Team building is the process of helping the team in creating continuity to achieve the goals (goals) made by the team. The team knows the process it must go through in order to come to an agreement in making decisions. The goal of this team building can be achieved if it is able to build a good team. The way to build this team building is by interacting among fellow team members.

The last task in the PT  Falah Inovasi Teknologi Outbound Training event is that the entire group team becomes one group which has one goal to light a fire on a candle that is placed at the end of the field. One team member will be given a burning candle while the other team members are in charge of protecting the team members who carry the candles. when the team heads towards the candle, they will face a water ballion balloon obstacle that will be thrown at the team which can turn off the candle. With a short time the entire team must be able to achieve the goal if the given time fails, the entire team must start over from the starting line.

In just 3 minutes, the entire PT Falah Inovasi Teknologi can achieve their common goal of light candles and flying the success ballon as a sign of achievement goals.

Closing word for the outbound training activities from the CEO Noviayana that nothing is impossible as long as we believe it, together we can do it, we will be stronger together. Falah one heart spirit and goals KITA BISA, let’s embrace 2021 with strong conviction FALAH KITA BISA”

Falah Inovasi Teknologi Annual Meeting 2020

Welcoming the turn of the year, PT Falah Inovasi Teknologi will hold an annual meeting 2020. This annual routine activity of a company engaged to evaluate and prepare steps to be taken in 2021.

The event was held 3 Day on December 17-19, 2020, at The Bukit Villa Bukit Pinus, Pancawati, Bogor, West Java. In addition to evaluating and disseminating work plans from management to employees, this event is also an event to give appreciation to all employees for their performance in 2020.


In his remarks, PT Falah Inovasi Teknologi Commissioner Deni Darodjat Muslim in the opening of the event conveyed the need to embracing agility to improve delivery, increase speed, and enhance customer and employee experience.

This is in line with the theme carried in this Annual Meeting, namely accelerate, innovating, and developing excellence performance management. Meanwhile, the tagline is “One Heart, Spirit, Goals”.

In fact, now PT Falah Inovasi Teknologi growth very fast in September 2018 just started with 10 employee staff, 1st year in 2019 with 15 official employee and 10 contract employee, 2nd year with 23 official employee  and 27 contract employee also already has ISO 9001 Certificate, Indonesian Industry of Defense Certificate, and become leader in Defence Industry for Virtual Reality Technology with VTS (Virtual Training Suite) multifunction platform with a virtual training environment that is flexible, versatile, support repetition, and is available at the point on need.

“In facing a challenging 2021 with full of opportunities, Falah Inovasi Teknologi is one of them is by doing various innovations. Therefore, various changes will be made by the company, especially in relation to the development of technology that supports work activities. We must innovate to anticipate expanding market share and the opportunity to grab more  project in 2021,” PT Falah Inovasi Teknologi CEO Noviayana said, Thursday (12/17).

To ensure formal mechanisms supported this agile mindset shift, Noviayana used structural changes on an individual and organizational level, aligning the people, customer, and business processes as well as the physical and digital working environments to an agile culture. PT Falah Inovasi Teknologi using ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) System  to improve and accelerate operation performance management, project management, and customer relationship management to enhance customer and employee experience.

Continuous learning and improvement is a core principle of agile working that’s why this development must be continuously improved. She hopes that as the agile culture metrics improved—specifically the sense of belonging, motivation, purpose, and empowerment—employee engagement consistently increased. Similarly, several dimensions of team performance improved as the culture of credibility and clarity took hold while greater autonomy, a core principle of agile culture, allowed teams to take on their own challenges. In parallel, performance dialogues revealed that trust in tribe leads was a defining factor in employees’ engagement and their ability to share as ONE Heart, Spirit, Goals.

Falah Inovasi Teknologi in Edutech 2020

Edutech Exhibition Seminar 2020 | “Indonesian education in the era of digital technology” in the “Application of Technology VR, AR, and MR in Education” was delivered by Noviayana as CEO PT. Falah Inovasi Teknologi . Student engagement is a ‘hot’ topic in education, if we could only engage young people they would thrive!, Educational technology in the form of virtual reality is a familiar innovation to several parts of the world.

Falah Inovasi Teknologi in Edutech 2020 Application Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality in Education

The presence of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (ar), and mixed reality (mr) technology has provided new options with 3D environment, the immersive nature of VR (Virtual Reality) makes it one of the most powerful tools in a teacher’s palm as it can engage different senses for students giving them a more holistic learning experience. Imagine traveling and exploring places all over the world without even leaving the classroom, imagine experiencing different careers first hand The decade’s old tradition of students sitting in seats will change as with the different types of ‘Realities’ being developed students will need to be up and moving around interacting with their environment and increase student engagement on many new levels.

In addition to providing students with immersive learning experiences, other benefits of virtual reality in education include the ability to inspire students’ creativity and spark their imaginations. And this can motivate them to explore new academic interests. VR,AR and MR in education also helps students struggling to understand difficult academic concepts. For example, through AR, geometry students can check out 3D geometric forms from multiple perspectives; they can rotate a shape to see it from different angles and even view it from the inside. The benefits of virtual reality in education go beyond academics as well to include cultural competence, the ability to understand another person’s culture and values—an important skill in today’s interconnected, global society. For example, a virtual reality field trip to other parts of the world, whether it be Peru or China, exposes students to cultures other than their own.

Growing evidence suggests that VR and AR in education, as well as the combination of both technologies known as mixed reality, can improve student outcomes, too. For example, in a March 2019 report, EdTech cites a study showing that students in a mixed reality biology classroom received higher scores than other students. And AR and VR can help with memory retention and recall, as well—EdTech reports on a recent study that shows an increase in retention of almost 9 percent for students who learned in an immersive environment such as VR.