Considering custom VR apps for your classroom?

We take a look at the major VR educational platforms as a custom solutions.

Schools and teachers are always looking for ways to make learning less passive and more involved. Virtual Reality provides immediate and immersive experiences where children and adults alike will be able to retain information better than in a traditional lecture environment. It helps bridge the gap of the ever-decreasing attention span since the simulation is right all around you, you get to experience it, and you also get to apply knowledge like in a life-like simulation. It’s suited for all types of learning styles due to its heavy emphasis on visual and auditory feedback. Thanks to advancements in software and 3D technology.

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Students have the opportunity to be enveloped in virtual environments that a simple picture cannot replicate. They can attend scientific simulations, visit sites around the globe, and interact with learning mechanics (abstracted, game-like, and realistic) In Virtual Reality, students can experience otherworldly abilities that can only be replicated in a virtual simulation, like traveling back in time, soaring through the sky, or visiting other planets! Since VR experiences are typically gamified, audiences are more easily and instantly rewarded for their accomplishments. Best of all, because VR is such a groundbreaking and refreshing piece of tech that not everyone has at home, it can also help ramp up the excitement for learning.

VR technology is finally becoming capable enough to see adoption and integration into multiple different industries and uses cases. In the case of education, VR has a tremendous amount of potential for immersion, exploration, and applied learning. We are going to highlight some of the existing options for VR in the classroom and explore if a custom solution is just what you need.

Educational Virtual Reality Apps and Games Built Just for You

Existing options for the classroom are just that, designed for young audiences, with limited content selection and minuscule experiences. Most of these platforms lack granular controls, cutting edge tech, and immersive software, as they just skim into high-tech territory.

What about older audiences? What about higher education, professional training, or just giving students engaging experiences they’ll remember for a lifetime?

For this, a custom solution is the way to go. Giving you the flexibility to design your VR, AR or XR (Mixed Reality experience) to exactly what your curriculum requires, a custom educational app by Falah Inovasi Teknologi  gives you exactly the content you need, built for your audience, and running on the hardware of your choice. Best of all, you own it. No need to worry about rentals, licensing, or being subject to a VR startup’s stability. we have the technical know-how and experience to bring any course or curriculum to live – on any platform you require.

Our design options are not limited to elementary schools. A custom VR app can be designed to fit your audience, whether you represent middle or high schools, universities, or professional training organizations. We also build training apps and demos meant to entice and engage the public. The options are really limitless.

Custom Educational VR Solution Benefits​

  • Pricing to fit your scope
  • A level of detail and Immersion to fit your requirements
  • Build software around your curriculum, your design, and your requirements
  • Use off-the-shelf, readily available hardware (Oculus, Vive, Cardboard, Samsung and more)
  • Gamification options to keep players engaged
  • Aged-up education, training and simulations, for higher learning and professional environments
  • High-tech immersion and controls with higher-resolution displays, multiple control options (including hand tracking), and 6 DoF (allowing users to fully explore environments)
  • Integrated analytics to capture essential data to monitor and improve your coursework (including SCORM)
  • Easy upgrades, additions, localization, and deployment

If you are considering a custom VR, AR, or XR educational or training application, feel free to contact us at any time to consult on budget and process, or to see some of our past work.